Putting pregnant women and families at the heart of our research. Public involvement in research means research that is done ‘with’ or ‘by’ the public, not 'to', 'about' or 'for' them. NHS Health Research Authority Pregnant women and their families are at the centre of our work and it is vital that they are fully involved and integrated with the research process. For this reason, we work in close association with NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership (LMVP). The LMVP is open to NHS Lothian maternity service users to join (pregnant or postnatal women, people and families), and currently meets online. Each bi-monthly meeting has a 45 minute gathering of just the service user participants, before the main meeting with representatives from the wider maternity services. Our team of research midwives is kindly welcomed along, to share upcoming research ideas and gather feedback and ideas. Please contact NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership to find out more about the group, including how to participate in both the general and research-focused aspects of the meetings: NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership (LMVP) Click to discover current research opportunities General information about pregnancy research This article was published on 2023-11-27