MVP annual report is published

Working together for perinatal research.

Edinburgh Pregnancy Research Team is lucky enough to enjoy a close relationship with the NHS Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). Together we work to keep pregnant women and people and families at the heart of perinatal research.

The MVP is a unique collaborative forum where the families who access maternity and neonatal services and the people who work for NHS Lothian get together to review these services. Those charities and organisations that support local families are also represented. The group meets online every two months to discuss key topics and current concerns, challenges and successes within local maternity services.

MVP group members have provided feedback on many of our team's research projects - often right from the start. This allows us to keep future participants in mind, and ensure the research we do is relevant to those affected by the conditions or situations we are studying.

You can read the MVP's 2023 Annual Report here, including a section all about our collaboration on a project to improve diversity within the group.

If you are interested in joining the MVP, new members are always welcome.

MVP Annual Report 2023 (893.16 KB / PDF)