Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Lives (an EdSciFest event)

Join our interactive event celebrating cutting edge pregnancy research.


Immerse yourself in fascinating flash talks...

Dr Katie Mckinnon explores how the socioeconomic environment (factors which impact a person's economic and life opportunities) affects the developing brain.

Dr Kahyee Hor shares her work on fetal programming and its effects on a baby's long-term health.

Eugenia Grand, NHS Lothian Fertility Specialist Dietician will provide all the latest research on preconception dietary health, and advice on  specialist fertility and gestational diabetes dietetic services.

+ Get hands-on with our interactive stalls

  • Interested in learning about ultrasound scanning? Become a sonographer for the day! - Try your hand at scanning with our handheld ultrasound device.
  • Relax in our 'Ask a Midwife Anything!' corner - Chat to Hailey and Hannah, registered midwives and Grow and Gather hypnobirthing and yoga birth prep gurus.
  • Trial two new pregnancy apps - Looking at 'remote monitoring of pregnancies affected by Gestational Diabetes', and 'monitoring environmental pollution exposure and sleep during pregnancy'.
  • Deep-dive into our flash talks, with a panel discussion with the opportunity to ask questions, hosted by NHS Lothian Consultant Obstetrician Dr Rosie Townsend.
  • Explore the wonderful world of pregnancy research with Edinburgh Pregnancy Research Team - Come and chat to Professor Rebecca Reynolds and her team about the challenges and successes in being at the forefront of pregnancy research.
    • SIMPREG's tech-led study team showcase smart wearables and pregnancy monitoring.
    • The Born in Scotland study team want to know - what're your pregnancy research priorities?
    • Explore NHS Lothian's neonatal research - the PRENCOG team talk all things premature birth and baby brain development.
    • I-test research midwives show how cutting edge retinal scanning may help predict complications in pregnancy, like pre-eclampsia.
    • Did you know Edinburgh has a pregnancy BioBank? Find out what this is - and how it's streamlining research to improve pregnancy outcomes.