Investigating blood vessel changes to help predict pregnancy complications. I-TEST-M is an extension of the I-TEST study. The main I-TEST study aims to understand whether changes in the blood vessels in the back of the eye can be a useful marker to detect women at risk of pregnancy complications. In I-TEST-M, we want to understand more about how changes in the blood vessels in the back of the eye are connected to changes in blood vessels in the rest of the body. We aim to use measurements of blood flow in different locations to build virtual “models” of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) during pregnancy. This will help us understand why some women develop problems such as pre-eclampsia or fetal growth restriction. Who are we recruiting? This study is recruiting people who are already enrolled in the main I-TEST study. Similarly to the I-TEST study, I-TEST-M is recruiting participants at different stages in pregnancy: At 12 weeks of pregnancy (+/- 3 weeks) At 36 weeks of pregnancy (+/- 3 weeks) What do participants need to do? You will be invited to between two and six study visits at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. We will aim to schedule at least some of these on the same day as I-TEST study visits, to save you from too many additional visits to the hospital. During study visits we will conduct a range of non-invasive tests which give information about your heart and blood vessels. These involve sticking small sticky patches (electrodes) onto your skin, and placing a small sensor or ultrasound probe over different points on your body, including over your womb to measure the amount of blood flowing towards your placenta and baby. The measurements are quick to perform, safe in pregnancy, and should not cause any discomfort. You will be shown the ultrasound pictures of your baby on a screen whilst we are taking the measurements. We will also ask some of the participants taking part in this study to provide a urine sample at each visit. This is to look for other markers which might predict pregnancy complications. Each study visit will take around an hour and you will be reimbursed for your time with a £50 voucher on completion of the final visit. Find out more / Sign up General information about pregnancy research This article was published on 2024-06-05